Saturday, April 04, 2020

Rekindling Old Hobbies

Cousin Caren's Pocket Garden

This lockdown has distorted a lot of things in the world, including our most precious asset, time. With more time being spent at home, we get to do things that we don't usually have time to in the past "normal" days. But scrolling through social media and seeing what our friends and family use their time for, it's very special to see busy people reviving their old hobbies back when they have more free time. Some went back to cooking, others did a lot of reading, and some even perform their dance moves and share them to our screens.

One of my favorites is my cousin Caren's Pocket Garden. She is about to end her Junior year at law school and we all know how that gets very busy. Now that she has more time for herself at home, I love seeing how she re-potted her succulents and arranged them in a very beautiful way on their patio table. I remember when she was still in college, we would drive next town with her sister and we'd buy little succulents and take them home. 

My "humble" Dish Garden

Just like Caren's pocket gardening, we have more time now to spend at home with this lockdown.  She even inspired me to work on re-potting old plants this afternoon and gave them a new life in a dish garden. I know it's not that pretty just like Caren's but its a work in progress HAHA Besides, I think mixing Aloe shoots with cacti and euphorbia is not a very good idea since these babies can grow large right?

What hobbies have you been reviving lately? Or at least plan of rekindling in the next more days of uncertain lockdown?


  1. I love the pocket garden. We have cacti and aloe plants in our window.
    Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you so much Bill! Cacti and Aloe are very easy to take care of yet they are so beautiful and comforting. Happy Weekend out there in Ireland!

  2. Wonderful 'dish garden ~ It is rainy and gray for the 2nd day in a row here so it is wonderful to see the sunlight in your photos and the wonderful plants so green ~ ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A ShutterBug Explores)

    1. Thank you very much Carol and I hope the sun will shine again soon in MA. Please be safe out there and sending you happiness and energy from our plants!

  3. Adoro jardinagem.
    Um dom que veio da minha avó.
    O seu pequeno jardim é delicioso.
    Divirta - se que é o mais importante.
    Beijinhos floridos.
    Megy Maia🌈 Portugal

    1. That is very nice of you Megy! Thank you so much! Just like you, I also got my love for cooking and food from my grandma, I miss her so much. Big Hugs!

  4. Um pequeno e belo jardim com excelentes exemplares de suculentas e cactos.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

    1. Thank you so much for the compliment Francisco. I really love my cousin's pocket garden and I hope to make something like that too. Sending you big hugs my friend!

  5. You just need a couple more small cactus and your mini garden will look lovely SQ 🌵 I am spending much more time in my garden than normal, getting lots done that has been put off for ages, all good 🌹

    1. Hello Grace! I very much agree with you and I did some reporting on my dish garden because my nanny (she took care of me when I was a baby and she never left us until now, she looooves gardening) told me that I should not combine the aloes on the dish because it gets large. I hope I can get more cacti Grace :) I would so love to see your garden soon on your blog Grace!

  6. Healthy succulents. I am not good with succulents. Most of them die because I don't know how to take care.

    1. Oh we are very much the same Nancy. Succulents are not very matched to me because they always die on me :( Unlike Cacti. Maybe because I kept watering the succulents too much.

  7. Hello, the succulents and garden are pretty. It is relaxing to spend time gardening. I do like cooking and reading, I do not have a green thumb. Take care and stay safe. Happy weekend! PS, thank you for visiting my blog.

    1. It is always my pleasure visiting your blog Eileen. I learn a lot every single post you share. Thanks for the complement on the garden, my cousin would love all of those kind words!

  8. Replies
    1. I very much agree! Everyone has to do Gardening in these times I think. Thanks!

  9. Jardinar é um modo de poesia. Gosto de catos e recordo os bons velhos tempos que a minha Mãe fazia orgulho mostrá-los ás pessoas. Aqui acabo por ver (rever) algumas belas lembranças.
    Obrigado por me visitar no meu Sítio de Poesia "Acordar Sonhando".
    Resguardarmo-nos é o que devemos fazer nestes tempos difíceis.

    O meu abraço desde Portugal
    SOL da Esteva

    1. That is very touching Sol, I'm happy that your mother loved and took care of cacti too. I wish I can make these thrive, most of these are just cut from a mother plant. Hope they survive. Sending you hugs to Portugal!


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