Sunday, March 29, 2020

I Thirst For You O Lord! - Guest Post Sunday

Holy Mass at Saint Mary Magdalene Parish, Amadeo

If a photo can make you remember how it feels, then this is the photo I will choose. Last March 14th was the first day that I can no longer attend mass in our parish, due to the community quarantine, as we need to observe the importance of staying at home. I am in great dismay when the most important celebration is now limited to people. Now I feel a thirst that water cannot even suffice, a thirst for God's presence in the Holy Eucharist.

Fr. Alvin Chavez of Saint Mary Magdalene Parish

The present health crisis continuosly teaches us to be resourceful. The Catholic church recourses to technology by broadcasting live celebrations of masses, worldwide prayers, and even sacramental blessings. In every challenge like crisis as this, the universal church is ever supportive of our spiritual needs aside from the basic necessities. Sundays for me now are quite upsetting, I cannot celebrate the mass and sing my endless praise to God with my community. But I will always be looking forward to that day that I can come back to our parish and celebrate the great mystery of our faith, the Holy Eucharist.

K. B. Lumandas
Amadeo, Cavite
Kathleen was born and raised in Amadeo, Cavite and currently works as a financial analyst in Taguig City. On weekends, she is active on church activities on her parish.

Cavite Daily Photo is inviting Caviteño authors who would like to share their stories and experiences about life and living in the province we call home, Cavite! If you are interested to write and share your best photo, email me at


  1. Thank you so much Steve for featuring my photos
    and sentiments on your page! Mabuhay ka!

    1. All my pleasure Kathleen and the bigger thanks goes to you for being our first Guest Author! Hope this will not be the last so you can share with us your wonderful side of Cavite through your lenses and experience!

  2. Hello, I am sure people do miss going to church and mass. I hope things go back to normal soon. Take care, stay well! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead.

    1. Thank you very much Eileen, a new week is about to start for all of us, please stay safe!

  3. Replies
    1. Olá Francisco! I agree, that is very emotional and beautiful at the same time. Happy New Week!

  4. Hopefully the time will come sooner than we think when we can return to normal practices SQ. I feel sorry for people who had planned their wedding, and for people saying goodbye to loved ones.. weddings and funerals will be hard ✨

    1. Oh I cannot agree with you more Grace. My cousin got married a month ago and in a way its a blessing that they got married a month before all this happened. And funerals, will surely be heartbreaking :(

  5. Our church conducts their services online but of course it's not the same. In these times, it will make people happy that they can still watch.

    1. I very much agree Bill. Our parish also conducts live masses online every Sunday. You take care Bill!

  6. Olá!
    Obrigada por passar pelo meu cantinho e deixar tão doces palavras.
    Que a oração nos preencha nos momentos mais vazios.
    Um beijinho florido.
    Megy Maia🌈

    1. It is always a pleasure dropping by your blog Megy!

      Sending you hugs from the Philippines!


Mabuhay! Welcome to Cavite Daily Photo! Thank you so much for your comments! They really brighten up my day and my province as well! Your comments are truly appreciated and it is what keeps this blog going on!
