Monday, March 30, 2020

Grocery Regulation

Savemore, Dasmariñas

Today marks the third week of the Enhanced Community Quarantine or easily referred by many Filipinos as Lockdown. But of course, it's not strictly imposed, depending on the local government unit. It's a good thing that the private stores are the ones giving their own regulations and rules not just for social distancing of their customers but also to prevent panic buying which diminishes the supply that could have been for more families.

Aside from Sardines, coffee products, alcohol, and so much more essentials are being regulated by groceries as to ensure stability in supply to meet the demands of the whole population, especially here in Cavite where cities are densely populated.


  1. Thankfully people here in Perth have settled down a bit and realised that they won't starve 😊 it was shocking at first! We mostly stay home, but go out for a walk once a day. My garden gives me plenty of exercise! Stay safe SQ ✨

    1. That is very true Grace! Oh and yes, I am also starting to do gardening in the morning and helping my Nanny. (She took care of me when I was a baby and she never left us until now that I'm turning 30, oh! And today is her birthday!) She grows a garden on our rooftop and lately I've been helping her. Please stay safe Grace!

  2. It was the same here in Perth SQ, thankfully people have come to their senses and realize they aren't going to starve :)

    1. Absolutely true Grace! We have to know what is enough for us. Thakn you and please stay safe Grace!

  3. Hi there, thanks so much for your visit and comment but sadly I had to delete it. I state that I do not publish comments with links. I hope you will though return and comment again some time.
    It is difficult times for everyone at the moment, we have complet lockdown here in France and we can only go out for shopping with a permit that has both date and time of leaving home. Heavy fines if we breach it.
    Take care and stay safe, Diane

    1. Oh Diane, No worries :) I am so sorry I failed to read your welcome note on the comments section but I got back and left another one. I love your blog and I'll definitely return often.

      That is a very good way to control. We also have passes here in our city, one per household but it's not very much regulated though. I hope we can have it scheduled just likes yours there.

      Sending hugs to France! One of the most beautiful places I have ever been to (despite the Greve which ran the whole duration of my trip last December HAHA)


  4. Our grocery store has signs like these so people can relax a bit knowing that their items will be there when they shop.
    Stay safe!

    1. I Agree Bill! That's the thing about most Filipinos, some just need signages to keep things obvious and then they follow. Without those, ughh, Chaos!

      Stay Safe my friend!

  5. Glad to see Food Stores are 'rationing' ~ got to control the 'kids' somehow ~ Timely photo ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Exlores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Hahaha I love it, you got that right Carol, "kids" need some reminding, okay, a lot of reminding! Stay Safe!

  6. It is the same here in Kentucky. Panic buying emptied a lot of shelves. Things are okay here, but with some limits.

    1. Glad to hear that everything is well out there in KY Michelle. Wish you all th ebest and stay safe!

  7. The world has changed this month! Panic buying is going on here in Florida also. And too we have places and people that ignore good sense and pay no attention to the regulations.

    1. You said it Sallie! Those people have no sense of community at all. I wish you have enough essentials at the moment though. Please do take care and stay at home Sallie!


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