It took us more than an hour to queue up under the heat of the afternoon sun, waiting for our turn to enter the Bank's doors. When it was my time, I had to log on a sheet which includes my name, contact number, and my temperature reading as the guard screened me right as I entered. I had to wait another hour inside because there were only two tellers attending to all the customer. But it's nice to see that everyone has been complying with these extra steps that may get a bit tedious and adds extra minutes two more than two hours of waiting for a simple transaction. But just to think that it does a big help when it comes to contact tracing just in case anything happens to anybody who visited on that day on that time, we really just have to comply.
Z. V. Salazar
Imus, Cavite
Zarah lives and takes care of her mother and family. She travels a lot around the country and explored almost all of South East Asia.
Cavite Daily Photo is inviting Caviteño authors who would like to share their stories and experiences about life and living in the province we call home, Cavite! If you are interested to write and share your best photo, email me at
I have come to the conclusion that I should be very grateful ... really!
ReplyDeleteWith the click of a button I am "on my bank" and I can arrange everything ... borrow money, arrange transactions, bank card, block my account in case of emergency ... etc. Two hours in line for the bank is unthinkable here!
And also that skyline full of wires ... I will be afraid to walk there! Is not dangerous?
Have a great Sunday, Stevens!
You got that right Ella! I am also very lucky to have online banking enabled on my accounts although still when I need cash during this lockdown (So I can pay some bills to my brother or ask him to get me stuff at the store) I still need somebody to withdraw for me although I do have ATM cards so grateful for not queuing over the counter!
DeleteHappy New Week Ella!
Uma nova realidade.
ReplyDeleteUm abraço e tenha um bom Domingo.
Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
Indeed, new normal! Thanks dear friend Francisco!
Delete...we drive up to a pneumatic tube that sends banking materials into the bank. All is done from that safety of our car. Take care!
ReplyDeleteHello Tom! I have not heard about pneumatic tubes so I googled it and I was super amazed! These looks like from the futuristic cartoons I've seen before, not sure if you've heard about the Jetsons :)
DeleteI know it must be aggravating to queue up just to enter a building but I'm glad that everyone is doing their part. Have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteSame here Bill! The camaraderie is one good thing to see on it :)
DeleteHi my pal. It appears that your authorities are still taking this very seriously. Here, the public is taking the decision to get back to normal by gradually breaking and stretching the boundaries of rules that are impossible to enforce upon 60 million people.
ReplyDeleteGosh that was a long wait SQ, better to be safe than sorry I know.. but still! We have to find patience we never knew we had these days 😊
ReplyDeletewell captured 'street scene' ~ speaks for the times ~ patience ~
ReplyDeleteBe Safe, Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Good that people are following the rules, as so many would get annoyed easily. :-)