Thursday, May 14, 2020

Catholic Baptism

Saint Francis of Assisi Parish, General Trias

Majority of the Filipinos are Roman Catholics, due to it being brought by the Spaniards in the early 16th Century. When children are baptized here in our country, the babies wear white clothes and brings a white hat or bonnet to keep the babies warm. In some churches nowadays, they provide the same clothing for all the babies being baptized to symbolize equality in the presence of God. But during the days, babies can wear anything as long as they are white to symbolize purity as the original sin will be cast away. This photo was taken almost 30 years ago, and yes, that baby was me.

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  1. ...equality in the presence of God is a wonderful thought.

    1. Very true my friend Tom! I really like that symbolism as well :)

  2. I never seen a baptism in person. I can't remember mine but I was there. :)
    Nice old photo and a wonderful memory, thanks for sharing.
    It's too bad people can't be equal while living here on this planet, that makes me sad.
    Enjoy your day, my friend.

    1. I am very much with you on that sadness Bill, the way people wanted so much more than what they have can be destructive to those that do not have anything in the first place and it really happens everywhere :(

      Happy weekend my dear friend Bill!

  3. What a treasure to have your baptism photo. It's really beautiful and so special.

    1. Absolutely Jeanie! I'm glad my Mom did a great job keeping them :)

  4. Now that is a great photo and story. It is nice to "meet" your beautiful family, at least those who were at your baptism. And I love the idea of equality before God.

    1. Thank you so much Erika, so nice of you! My mother and my godfather/uncle the one wearing the blue shirt has passed away already. So this is a precious photo :)

  5. I hope everyone's safe and staying safe. I just read that the virus is mutating and getting much more dangerous. I don't want to alarm anyone but it's time to get right with God, cause this is getting downright scary! Stay home and stay safe, guys!

    1. Thank you so much and thanks for the warning. It is true, we should always pray especially in times like these. Stay Safe too!

  6. Stevenson, you don´t look that happy in this pic!
    Were you bored? ;-)
    White it is here, too.

    1. Oh iris! HAHAHAHA You got that right! Judging from the Photo, It seems like it was still Summer so I think the unhappiness is because of the heat inside the church HAHA

  7. I cannot help but think what a cute baby you were...and what a precious mom you had for you to feel the way you do about her.

    1. Oh Rose! Your words are so touching, thank you so much! I was once the cutest baby on the world, we ale were for sure haha Thank you so much Rose, your comment made me so happy :)

  8. yep ~ we are all equal and all connected ~ blessings ~ Wonderful photo of this special sacrament ~

    Be Well, Be safe,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you so much Carol! Really was a special Sacrament. Too bad I don;t have a photo during my confirmation :(

  9. Oh my gosh SQ, you don't look too happy about it all 😉 so cute though 💙

    1. Hahahaha very true Grace haha Sure it was hot that time on our Church HAHA Happy Weekend dear Grace!


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